If you don’t hear “wow” y’ain’t done.
Art director/graphic designer/illustrator and copywriter with a drive for smithing big ideas from concept to execution.
With a background as a painter, writer, and editor (as well as studies in art history, American and French history, cinema studies, and typography) I get a thrill every time I am able to meld my references and skills into arresting visual solutions; the more arrows in your quiver, the better your chances at hitting the bullseye.
I live in Manhattan with my husband and our two staggeringly overweight cats, Jack and Lyndon.
CONTACT christinasworld@gmail.com INSTAGRAM — LINKEDIN essays and more: MEDIUM.
FAVORITE THINGS — art (Bronzino, Schiele, Basquiat, Kruger) film (Almodovar, Bergman, Truffaut, Yimou, Waters, Linklater), theater (Ibsen, Sondheim, Williams, McDonagh, Walsh), travel (50+ countries. Favorites: France, India, Netherlands, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Lebanon, Turkey, Uzbekistan) graphic design (the Lustigs, Bass, Filli, Scher, Victore), gin (I recently discovered Irish Gunpowder Gin while in Donegal County, Ireland), being informed (Atlantic magazine, Fast Company, and The New York Times in print) — also obsessed with Mallomars and fiery larb.
*Ninety percent of the work I've chosen to show in my portfolio are my concepts with little to no outside art direction (and many include my own copy and original illustrations). I've created collateral across all forms of media internationally — corporate to independent — from menus, postcards and posters in Paris; to floor-clings, banners, and showbills in Dubai; storefronts in Panama; and posters, mugs, T-shirt, CDs, business cards, wallclings, etc. here in New York.